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CKT 010: The Saavedra Position. |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Study |
White plays and wins.
views: 27642
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CKT 009: Book of Salvio 1604. |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Study |
White plays and wins.
views: 22772
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CKT 008: Book of Stamma 1737. |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Middle Game |
White plays and wins.
views: 23815
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CKT 007: All about 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f6? |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Opening |
A refresher on what happens after 2...f6?
Many more variations in the attached pgn file.
views: 24646
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CKT 006: A Beautiful Chess Study by Kubbel. |
LEVEL: Difficult  | CATEGORY: Study |
You will certainly enjoy the solution to this chess study. Very instructive.
White plays and wins.
views: 22734
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CKT 005: The Philidor Position in R+P vs. R. |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Endgame |
It's important to know the Philidor Position which shows the easiest way to draw as the weaker side in R + P vs. R
Black plays and draws.
views: 37420
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CKT 004: Tough to see to the end. |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Middle Game |
This position was taken from a game between A. Kosteniuk and S. Cherednichenko, Szeged 1994.
White plays and wins.
views: 21606
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CKT 003: Two Brilliant Variations. |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Middle Game |
From a game DesChapelles - De Labourdonnais, Paris 1836
White plays and wins.
views: 32873
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CKT 002: A useful technique called Enfilade. |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Endgame |
This position was taken from a 1737 chess book.
White plays and wins.
views: 34933
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CKT 001: Dangerous far-away Pin. |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Middle Game |
This position was taken from a game Carlsen - Leko, Dortmund 2007.
White played Re3 Draw. What would have happened after Qxd6?
views: 30834
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CKT 000: Podcast Introduction and Format. |
The first episode of the CKT video podcast introduces you to the format of the podcast, and how you can view it. It features GM Alexandra Kosteniuk's talk about future episodes.
Here's the new logo of the Chess Killer Tips Video Podcast.
views: 26922
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