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CKT 030: Morphy's Immortal Game |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Game |
The Immortal 1858 Game between Paul Morphy and Duke Carl and Count Isouard.
views: 39180
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CKT 029: Pawn Block |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Problem |
Chess problem, mate in two moves.
Composed by Paul Morphy.
views: 33714
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CKT 028: Can Mate in One be Tricky? |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Retro |
A tricky mate in one with a useful moral, presented by Guest Star Almira Skripchenko.
Composed by Karl Fabel, New Statesman, 1963.
views: 37123
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CKT 027: A Strategy Master Class |
LEVEL: Difficult  | CATEGORY: Middle Game |
Anatoly Karpov gives Unzicker a lesson in strategy of particularly high level. Find the best strategic plan for white.
views: 39538
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CKT 026: Seven Steps to Nirvana |
LEVEL: Difficult  | CATEGORY: Middle Game |
End of the game Robert Fontaine - Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Aix-les-Bains 2007. Black plays and mates in 7 moves. Presented by Guest Star Almira Skripchenko.
views: 30053
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CKT 025: Try to do the Impossible. |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Study |
Should White resign or play on? 1922 Study by Kraemer.
views: 28613
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CKT 024: Twice Quiet does it. |
LEVEL: Difficult  | CATEGORY: Study |
White plays and wins. 1927 Study by Leonid Kubbel.
views: 25878
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CKT 023: Access Control. |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Study |
White plays and draws, 1947 Study by Chekhover.
views: 25039
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CKT 022: Del Rio Theme. |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Problem |
Mate in three moves, Problem by Del Rio, 1750.
views: 22294
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CKT 021: Logical Retro. |
LEVEL: Difficult  | CATEGORY: Retro |
A perfect example of Retrograde Analysis.
On which square was the White Queen captured?
views: 23305
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CKT 020: Unfortunate Mishap. |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Opening |
From the game Aronian - Radjabov, Monaco 2007.
White just played 6. c4, how does Black continue?
views: 25314
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